The best-selling sex doll shop in 2022, we have sex dolls of various styles made of TPE and silicone, such as mini sex dolls, anime sex dolls, BBW sex dolls
Yes, they are professional and responsive. It’s hard for me to review this doll because this is my first sex doll, but here goes this doll is Way better looking in person than in the pictures, also a lot heavier than You think, it is which makes it hard to put in certain positions. However with that being said, it is well worth the price and I enjoyed the time that I spent with it so far. Also this doll came with a few add-ons like a heated rod. Overall it’s a really good doll, very good looking and sexy.
Yes, they are legit. I was nervous initially about buying a doll, given how expensive they are, apart from the stigma of owning one to begin with, and potential to purchase an inferior copy from a sub-par retailer. However, your site was professional, in its appearance, and through the conduct of its staff. Having many questions, I was assisted in real-time by cs, who answered all of my questions in a timely and friendly manner that was welcoming and professional. She also directed me to many education videos and the site forum, where I could read about previous doll owners and their experiences with your site’s products. It was paramount to helping me make an educated purpose, and before I bought anything I was able to learn exactly what I was buying and how long it would take to ship. There were several hundred certified reviews to read, as well, from satisfied customers. As someone who hinges on reviews and good faith established through proper conduct and communication between retailer and customer, your site had these accolades in spades.
Yes, I would love to give them 10 stars if I could. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I opened the box! I thought, “I can’t believe it!” I mean, yes, there were measurements and people had taken pictures of her, but none of that spoke volumes. She was too big! And her tits are huge. They’re bigger than her head. They’re probably as big as the average person’s head, if not bigger than the average person’s head. Fantastic. The old saying, “A camera plus ten pounds,” was just the opposite in her case. I was mesmerized by her voluptuous, curvy body! 😉
Yes, she looks so real and is just absolutely perfect!! Once the doll arrived, I noticed that she is heavier than expected, so if you are on the weaker side, you maybe should consider smaller dolls. She was packaged with great care and came with many gifts and extra clothing. Ultimately though, I dressed her in my hoodie and she’s the absolute cutest in it! Thank you for making her so perfect! In terms of feeling I have to say that the doll feels pretty nice on the two lower entrances.
Yes, excellent product and shopping experience! This doll touch incredibly soft, the fine makeup makes her look so real, and she features a nice passage in her mouth. Let’s be honest, when I held her head, it immediately aroused me. Then I also want to address the customer service here, every time I had a question, doesn’t matter how stupid it seemed, it was promptly answered without making me feel dumb for asking. Thanks from a very satisfied first time customer!
Yes, this is a legend! My doll arrived a couple days ago and I can’t tell you how stressful it was waiting for her. Doug advised me that sending a doll of this size to the UK was risky, but I wanted to take the chance because she was so beautiful. I also figured that if it didn’t work out, I’d have first-hand knowledge of import and customs regulations and could warn others. But it all worked out fine and I only had to pay VAT at customs but that was it. I know some people aren’t so lucky and I hope all goes well.
Yes, worth it. The doll is quite dangerously curvy (for my taste) and she was grateful that I gave her a bath. After all, her joints were still a little stiff from the trip. I played music for her to continue listening to while I bathed her and dried and powdered her. Then we dressed the doll in a couple different outfits (one at a time) to see which one she liked that the muse had picked out for her. So far, I think she likes them all.
Yes, A+++. Even if you don’t want to use it for sex, it’s a work of art to behold. It’s perfect, I give it a 10. It’s like having your own giant boob model by your side, ready to get you in the mood. If you like giant boob monsters, this is for you. I laughed out loud when I opened the box because I couldn’t believe how crazy she looked.
Yes, great purchase, met all expectations! Thank U. It’s really hard to make the decision to get a full- size love doll with $2000+. But I will never regret it when I receive her. Cuz she is gorgeous! I like her expression and the intelligent moving system, it is just amazing… Nice product and nice service! My doll was even better than expected and I couldn’t be happier, would use the site for any purchase in the future!
Yes, I recommend. To all of you reading this: welcome. I just wanted to say that this is my first doll (the second is coming soon), and the seller did a great job of keeping me informed of when the dolls would start to be made and when they would be shipped. When I had questions (which I did), he didn’t hesitate to answer them to the best of his ability, or tell me he couldn’t answer the question due to (insert valid reason here).